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Surgical Performance

Learn, prepare and test on surgical procedues anytime, anywhere.


Touch Surgery is helping leading Medical Device and Pharmaceutical companies accelerate the surgical competence of their sales reps and medical education attendees. With their user base of over 2 million users, they can also offer a clinical audience to marketing teams who want to share their company’s unique product & procedural stories.

While working here as the Technical Director I was lucky enough to be working with the team making rigging tools, real-time rigs and AI tools to help accelerate the companies 3D USP.


Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch

The Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy with the Duodenal Switch procedure, sometimes known as the Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch, combines restriction (eating less because you feel full more quickly) with malabsorption of fat to give you a very powerful bariatric surgery procedure.

This was one of the more difficult surgeries that Touch Surgery has completed and one of the more difficult rigs that was been made by myself.


The flexibility required from all of the internal organs needed to be as close to real as possible, meaning a new automated 3D IK rigging system was written in Python by myself. The focus was on reducing flipping and crossing vectors causing flipping of the rigs. These were also built to be updated at a few clicks for geometry updates.


Watch It Here

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